
Showing posts from January, 2022

Vo2 Max testing near you at minimal price

  Understanding vo2 max is key for people who are looking to improve their oxygen use. Vo2 max is a measure of how well you can distribute your oxygen supply through your tissues - the higher the level, the better the body's ability to meet metabolic demands. However, as with most essential textbooks, vo2 max as defined as the maximal rate of oxygen consumption is dependent on the weight of the body and measured in ml/kg/min. While Triathlon Coaching   is quite a training schedule that takes 16 weeks to complete where different exercise and performance endurance coaching are given where certain weeks are given as a rest week because of energy draining coaching given to the athletes. It has been observed that a person's VO2 max corresponds well with their physical condition. In order to increase the VO2 max, it is necessary to work out at a heart rate between 65 and 85% of the maximum for at least 20 minutes 3 to 5 times a week. The research shows that a male athlete...

5 Ways To A Triathlon Coach Can Improve Your Swimming

  Have you been thinking about taking up a triathlon? Have you been trying to learn how to swim better? If so, then this is the article for you. Triathlons are great fun, but they can be quite difficult if you don't take the proper precautions. One of the most important things you should do before learning how to swim is find a good coach - someone who knows all about swimming and has learned how to teach people well. Five ways that coaching can improve your swimming are listed below.   The most important thing you should do before you start learning how to swim is find a good coach. A triathlon coach can help you with many different things, but they're most importantly your safety and success in the water. Your coach will make sure that you know all the rules of the pool and how to use the equipment. They'll also show you how to stay safe in open water and what to do when there's a big wave coming your way. There are many benefits of having a coach for swimmin...