Get High Standard Fitness Level With Enduraprep’s Metabolic Testing In The UK
You've probably heard a lot about metabolism, but you don't necessarily know whether your metabolic rate is fast, slow, or average. Metabolic testing gives you the answer along with information to help you lose weight more effectively. The body's metabolic function determines the rate at which food is converted into energy. Different people have different metabolic rates, which is how you seem to be able to eat whatever you want and still not gain weight. Metabolic tests measure how quickly your body burns calories, providing personalized insights. Why do people need metabolic testing? This type of test gives you very accurate personalized information about your metabolic rate. If you eat too many calories, you will gain weight, but if you eat too few calories, it can also be difficult to lose weight. Your body can enter a kind of "starvation mode" where it tries to keep weight if you don't consume enough calories. Using the information provided by metabolic ...